August 11, 2016

CN Centre OH&S


CN Centre for Occupational Health and Safety

We conduct research and disseminate research findings in an effort to explore the fundamental aspects of the work experience and to inform best practices in creating safe and psychologically healthy workplaces. In addition to operating an extensive research program, our team also works directly with the business community to assess and improve their workplace standards and regulations. We host training workshops and conferences, provide educational resources, and even advise government entities responsible for creating and/or revising health and safety related legislation.

CN Centre Initiatives

write-593333_1920The CN Centre for Occupational Health & Safety (CNCOHS) is a research training and community outreach centre examining and informing best practices in creating physically and psychologically safe and healthy workplaces. Our mandate and initiatives include:

  • conducting extensive research programs into all aspects of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)
  • consulting with the business community to share knowledge and to assess and improve workplace standards
  • providing training opportunities through courses, workshops, conferences, and institutions
  • advising government and organizational decision makers on OHS related issues and legislation.